We have there great webinars here with some wonderful information on taking your business online. These can be bought via gumroad for a nominal fee of €5 each.

Webinar 1: Vicky Shilling

How to conquer your fear and deliver your first nutrition webinar
Too scared to put yourself out there and go online with your nutrition business? Let’s change that! In this 90-minute live masterclass, Wellness Entrepreneur Coach Vicky Shilling will show you how to use the power of technology to spread your amazing knowledge to improve people’s nutrition: even if you’ve got a small online audience, no tech savvy and you’re terrified of getting on camera.


  • How to design and create an irresistible nutrition webinar
  • How to promote your nutrition webinar to attract ideal attendees
  • What technology to use and how to use it (and what to do if things go wrong)
  • How to build your confidence to speak on camera

Vicky’s product sales link is https://gum.co/mJTmO

Webinar 2 & 3 Eric Fitzpatrick

Webinar No. 2 – Delivering your online programme/talk or webinar

▪ How to construct your online programme/talk or webinar
▪ How to keep your audience engaged throughout your online delivery
▪ How to create a lesson plan for your online programme/talk or webinar
▪ How to use the T.R.U.E. Presentation template to enhance your online talks/presentations
▪ How to open with impact
▪ How to close effectively
▪ How to structure your programme/talk or webinar so it’s easy to follow and understand
▪ How to deliver with confidence and control
▪ Craft and Deliver talks/webinars that encourage clients to buy your services

Webinar No. 3 – Sell Yourself, Sell your service online

 How to sell to corporate clients without sounding like a salesperson
▪ How to approach corporate clients
▪ How to create an account entry strategy (both for corporate clients and individuals)
▪ How to handle Handling objections
▪ How to close the sale without sounding too pushy
▪ How to Identify the problems clients have that your services can solve
▪ Identifying the right questions to ask
▪ How to increase your revenue by increasing your range of online offerings

Eric’s product sales link is https://gum.co/GWMuR