Seminar with Alessandro Ferretti & Marta Anhelush

It’s a circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope…

We are living longer but are those final decades of our life spent in a state of health or disease? Are our bodies equipped to deal with the challenges of the modern world?

We begin to die the moment we are born…The moment the egg meets the sperm, we enter an enormous phase of growth and development, all through to puberty. As soon as we move into our reproductive years, we face a slow decline in function and structure. The speed of that decline is heavily influenced by the interactions between our genes and our exposome which determine how well we age.

In this unique seminar, we will focus on the key factors influencing ageing, zooming in on neurodegeneration, cellular health, hormonal shifts, and structure. Using an in-depth case study, we will take you on a journey through those key clinical examples, whilst also showcasing some of the best genetic and metabolic testing available.

Registration from 9.30am for a prompt 10am start. The event runs until 3.30pm and consists of 4 hours applied CPD (BANT, NNA, ANP, NTOI).

Travel Tips: The Louis Fitzgerald Hotel is located on the Naas Road at Newlands, (heading into Dublin City on the N7), the hotel is adjacent to Joel’s Restaurant. It is 20 minutes from Dublin Airport and a 20 minutes LUAS ride from the city centre, the nearest stop is Red Crow.

Parking is available for free on site, on a first come first served basis.

Venue information

Refreshments are supplied. Please bring your own lunch or you can buy food locally.

We aim to keep BioCare events free to support your professional development. To help us manage numbers, please be considerate and cancel your place if you can no longer attend. We can then offer your place to someone else. You can cancel through your Eventbrite account, if you have one, or by emailing us directly.


Marta Anhelush – Nutritional Therapist & Head of Clinical Nutrition at BioCare

From a young age, Marta’s felt an instinctive pull towards the natural
world, health, science, and understanding the challenges of a modern
society. Once called ‘modestly clever’ by a close colleague, she
herself feels that her skill is in understanding the detail but also
seeing the big picture; evaluating different ideas, developing
concepts, and pulling all of that together into coherent and practical
solutions, whether it’s for leading a team, delivering education, or
creating new supplements.
For the last eight years at BioCare, Marta has been nurturing a strong
and diverse Nutrition Team, and she’s been at the forefront of
product development and education; lecturing at colleges and

Alessandro Ferretti Dip ION, MBANT, ANP

Alessandro was born and raised in Northern Italy, where his ‘nonna’
passed on some solid, and delicious, nutritional legacies. Having now
spent almost a quarter of a century working in the nutritional field,
Alessandro has a wealth of experience and knowledge to draw from.
His unique ability to see the body in new light, and to convey his
understanding in a simple and often amusing way, has made him in
demand as a lecturer, both nationally and internationally.
Alessandro lives in Warwickshire with his family and two exuberant
spaniels. He practices and teaches karate, and when conditions are
right, he loves to venture out to the coast to catch the odd wave.


Event Details

Date: 13th June 2023

Time: 10.00am to 3.30pm

Location: Louis Fitzgerald Hotel Dublin

Cost: Free




10.00 The Longevity Equation – Marta

11.00 Tea Break

11.30 Cellular Transition – Alessandro

12.30 Lunch

13.15 Mind Mapping – Alessandro

14.30 Comfort Break

14.40 Connective Journey – Alessandro

15.30 Finish

Have a great day!