Learn the skills, strategies & tools you need to feel confident in using herbal remedies alongside nutritional support: 6 days course (live Zoom sessions) to remove the overwhelm and mystery of herbal remedies and understand how and when to use market formulas in a safe and effective way and Bridge the Gap between Nutrition and Herbs to address the client’s root cause.

Key Learnings:
• Analyse 80 herbs – indications for use and contraindications.
• Dose Herbal tincture strengths (1:1, 1:4 of well-known brands)
• Choose the form of herb to use – active compounds and guaranteed therapeutic benefits, glycerites, tinctures, capsules, or powders.
• Assess herbs on the market and decide how and when to dose, depending on the strength of the herbs
• Consultation guidance and naturopathic observations to help determine one herb over another.
• Synergise – combine herbs and nutritional formulas to create a synergistic ‘prescription’.
• Check which herbs are appropriate with key medications.
• Herbal detoxification of the 6 main elimination organs.
• Provide support for each body system.

More information: https://bridging-thegap.com/newrootsherbalcourse

Date: 14th September 2023

Time: 9:30 am

Location: Online

Cost: £997

Registration: https://bridging-thegap.com/herbal-course-check-out