In this webinar Ben Brown ND goes through; significant shortcomings in the diagnosis and treatment of functional gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia (FD) arise from them being ‘umbrella’ diagnosis that cluster several underlying identifiable and treatable causes for the same symptom presentation into one classification.

Emerging evidence suggests that common digestive symptoms – including bloating, distention, reflux, pain, discomfort, constipation and diarrhea – are frequently due to identifiable and treatable underlying causes including lifestyle, environmental and nutritional factors, as well as underlying functional imbalances.

This talk explores how to the identify of the underlying causes of functional gastrointestinal disease and help personalize clinical management.

Explore the pros, cons and evidence for symptom-based, in-practice and laboratory-based clinical assessments
Discover how clinical assessments can inform personalised clinical management plans
Review advances in the clinical management of functional gastrointestinal disease with personalised dietary, nutritional and lifestyle medicine.

The webinar has been awarded 1.5 Registered CPD points.

You can access the recordings here:

Presentation video on Vimeo


Presentation on Dropbox